Reverse Roguelike where you build the dungeon, prototype released

I'm officially releasing v0.2 of my game Roguelike Dungeon Tycoon to the public. It's definitely still in the early stages and feedback is appreciated.

The premise of this game is that it's you've just started your new job creating random dungeons for heroes to run through over and over. You'll get random chamber tiles to place and then the hero will automatically run through the dungeon attempting to beat the challenges. They'll gain experience base on which type of challenges they've completed.

I just released the first YouTube devlog for this new game, so go check it out if you're interested in more information about the process!

I have made some small changes since the recording of that video like this inclusion of coins and the ability to buy new cards.

I'm running an experiment

This game is kind of an experiment. I'm running analytics on the prototype (don't worry, no personal information is collected, just gameplay information) to see if analytics could help with the development of the game. I plan on releasing regular up dates to the game and keeping track of the analytics the entire time to see what it can tell me about the balance or other parts of the game.

Planned features:

  • Adding sound and music
  • Implementing items for the hero to equip
  • Better animations and game juice
  • Implementing a meta-progression

Let me know if you have any suggestions!

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